[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/17395190/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/f3bf57/” width=”100%” height=”90″ scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”top” use_download_link=”” download_link_text=”” primary_content_url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/sprintingtosuccess/Teresa_Campos.mp3″ theme=”custom” custom_color=”f3bf57″ libsyn_item_id=”17395190″ /]In this episode Esmie and Teresa discuss:

– Religion, Relationship to God and Faith 

– Being bullied and scared because of being different

– Passions and finding the true meaning and your purpose in life

– How to live a soul centred life and how to relieve stress

– The biggest struggle: Wanting to do something different but scared of what other people might say or think 

Key Takeaways:

– Put God first and trust Him and everything will change and everything will fall into place.

– Always look at life’s bigger picture.

–  When you start asking questions about your life, you begin to know the answers that you need and you’ll eventually find the joy and contentment in it.

– The challenges in your life will be your source of strength and courage.

Teresa’s Bio

Teresa Campos Soul-Centred MindTeresa is an international speaker, author and mentor-coach. She works with Servant-Leaders who are passionate about making an impact in a deep way and living their soul purpose. She helps them self-evolve and lead from the soul-centred mind to fulfill a life of service while living a lifestyle that makes them feel fully alive.

What would you say to your younger self? “I would tell her that all of these challenges that you’re facing and  the fear that you’re feeling are all going to be your courage and your strength that are going to take you to where you not only are where you are, you’re meant here to go, but where you are going to feel the most joy in your life.” –  Teresa Campos


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Show notes by Esmie Lawrence.  Audio production by Brian Calkins Podcast Mechanic
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