On this podcast, Tim discusses how COVID-19 affected his business and how to

to thrive and become resilient during COVID-19. Tim will help you 

find ways to adapt to the new norm. He will encourage you to become

resilient during COVID-19 by reading these amazing books on his

website: https://www.resilience-books.com

Tim’s Short Bio:


Tim Ward created the Resilience Series: practical advice to help you survive, adapt, cope, and respond to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Tim is publisher of Changemakers Books, dedicated to transformation, and has written 10 books, including The Master Communicator’s Handbook.

All of us have experienced some kind of shock.-Tim Ward
Contract Tim:
Contact Esmie:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/esmie-lawrenceoly/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuccessCoachEsmieLawrence/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/esmie.lawrence/?hl=en


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Show notes by Esmie Lawrence.  Audio production by Brian Calkins Podcast Mechanic
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