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Wendy Kier

I mentor committed female entrepreneurs who are established in the marketplace, have a message that makes an IMPACT, and are marketing their business online but are struggling to attract a flow of premium clients. I coach them to confidently step into their visibility, reach a wider audience, and enrol premium clients who will willingly pay £2,000+ £10,000+ to work with them giving them flexibility, freedom and income in a way that is easy fun and feminine.

Esmie Lawrence interviews Wendy Kier

Esmie Lawrence interviews Wendy Kier

I think it’s what has come out of this for me in terms of this conversation is it’s about being conscious. It’s about being fully responsible for the decisions you’re making rather than just going on autopilot because you have the power to change things, but you have to wake up a little bit to realize that actually you can change things, that things can be very different for you. Statistically, given my background, I should be in prison. Statistically… So it just shows that if you wake up, you take responsibility for what’s going on and get some help, you can make incredible changes in your life that you never thought were possible.” –Wendy Kier
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Show notes:

Esmie Lawrence:
My name is Esmie Lawrence, and welcome to Sprinting to Success podcast. My guest today mentors committed female entrepreneurs who are established in the marketplace, have a message that makes an impact and are marketing their business online, but are struggling to attract the flow of premium clients. She coaches them to confidently step into their visibility and reach a wider audience. She gives them flexibility, freedom, and income in a way that is easy, fun, and feminine. Welcome to Sprinting to Success podcast, Wendy Kier.

Wendy Kier:
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome, thank you.

Esmie Lawrence:
Thank you so much. So tell me about your childhood, how you grew up.

Wendy Kier:
Yeah. Okay. So going back a wee while, I went into Kent. I was about one and a half, two. My parents were both alcoholics and I stayed in Kent when I was about 14 and a half. During that time, I think I must have had about 30 different foster placements. Probably, 30 plus.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
So I was in and out of the care system, adopted when I was 14 and a half that broke down and then 15 and a half you get shoved out into the big wide world. So that was pretty much my childhood. Quite traumatic, very chaotic and a long time ago. I’m thankful.

Esmie Lawrence:
Great. How did you manage those struggles as a 15-year-old?

Wendy Kier:
Well, you just survive. You know, at that age when you go out into the big wide world, you just survive day to day, second to second, hour to hour. It’s definitely personally, traumatically had I think more of an effect on me in my older years than it has my younger years because you don’t know what you don’t know. And because you’re in survival mode, you are pretty much living day to day, second to second. So you just cope with what’s around you at the time.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. So as an adult, did you go back and just relive your childhood and made peace with it?

Wendy Kier:
Making peace with it, I think as you get older, it just fades forever away into the background. Interestingly enough, when you say about making peace, I think what happens is when you have a lot of unanswered questions, you will put yourself back into situations whereby you hope psychologically somehow, subconsciously that it’s going to help you come to terms or help you understand what’s going on.

Wendy Kier:
I spent 20 years working with young people at risk in Central London. You know, working with people who had very similar backgrounds to me because it felt familiar. It felt safe. It felt like my family, even though it wasn’t. Now, when you spend 14 and a half years or however long it was in institutional care, you become institutionalized. So you surround yourself with what is familiar.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. So you found a way to give back to children just like you.

Wendy Kier:
Yeah. Yeah. I don’t think I saw it as giving back, but yeah, basically.

Esmie Lawrence:
Okay. All right. So you’re from England. Now, what are you doing living in Thailand and why are you there?

Wendy Kier:
So I became location independent about 14, 15 months ago. I run my business online. I have clients all over the world, so we just thought, actually why don’t we travel and I can work at the same time. Steve’s been able to retire early at 48.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
We’re always having this discussion. Is he 47 or 48?

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. As you get older, you forget your age, right?

Wendy Kier:
I know. I know mine, 50. Yeah. So I have the freedom basically to move around because all of my clients are online. So I can go anywhere in the world that I want.

Esmie Lawrence:
What a privilege? Why did you choose Thailand?

Wendy Kier:
We’ve been to Thailand quite a few times. We love Thailand. We love the Thai people. We love the food. It is an absolutely tropical, stunning location, very luxurious, very green, natural. We’ve been to quite a few other countries over the last year, but this is probably a favorite if I’m honest.

Esmie Lawrence:
Oh, nice. Nice. So tell us about your relationship with money, because you said it drove you to depression. What happened?

Wendy Kier:
Yeah, yeah. Well, it took me a long time to realize that my upbringing had such an impact on my relationship with money because I was always coming from a place of lack, always struggling, always just surviving day to day, hand to mouth. That, when I started my business, played out in the business as well. So the business struggles for quite some time because I had a very limiting money mindset. I had a really negative relationship with money.

Wendy Kier:
I believed it when people said to me that they couldn’t afford it, I would play into this whole illusion of people don’t have money, people can’t afford it. People never invest to work with me. So I made my prices cheaper, cheaper and cheaper to accommodate other people who would then never buy anyway. It really pushed me into severe anxiety, moved me into depression until I came back at the other side. And then, I started to study money. I started to really get a grip on this negativity. It is that I’d associated with money.

Esmie Lawrence:
Okay. So tell me exactly how you broke free of that.

Wendy Kier:
I worked with a mindset coach around limiting beliefs. I’ve read books, I’ve done courses. It’s just study basically. Even though I’ve had a very difficult time, I’ve always, always invested in my personal development. Always without fail. I’ve never left it up to an employer. I have always invested. That’s one thing that’s consistent throughout my life. So just training. I do VIP days with my clients and help them break free and crush their money stories so they can live an abundant life. I’ve really immersed myself into really understanding about my relationship with money and how it really works.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. How does it work?

Wendy Kier:
Well, money is… If you think of money like a child, it’s innocent. But what happens is, we have a tendency, because of our past experiences, to dump all of our beliefs around money, all of the negativity. We’ve seen them together as two things. But actually your beliefs is your beliefs. Money is like a child. It’s innocent. It’s got multiple personalities. It’s clean. But your baggage, you project onto the money, which it’s your stuff that you’re projecting onto it.

Wendy Kier:
Money in its purest form wants to be sensed, spent, saved, buy gifts. It wants to flow. It has a beautiful energy about it, but what we do is we put all of our baggage onto it. Oh, people can’t afford it. It’s rubbish. It’s just absolute rubbish.

Esmie Lawrence:
So whatever you believe about money, that’s exactly how it’s going to show up.

Wendy Kier:
Absolutely. Yeah. That’s what you’re going to get back.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. Interesting. So you are an author, and I was impressed when I saw this. You have over 2,304 students worldwide in 95 countries. How did [crosstalk 00:09:25].

Wendy Kier:
It’s more than that now.

Esmie Lawrence:
Oh wow. That’s amazing. Now, why did you decide to become an instructor?

Wendy Kier:
Do you mean in terms of courses? What do you mean?

Esmie Lawrence:
Yes. In terms of you’re on Udemy as an instructor. So why did you decide to do that?

Wendy Kier:
To be honest, that was because of my stinky money mindset, to be fair. Because Udemy sell courses and programs cheaply. So it played into my money beliefs. I would never do it now. If I have more time again and then I knew what I know about money now, I wouldn’t do it now. Sorry, Udemy. But I wouldn’t do it because…

Wendy Kier:
Well, what I’ve found is, is that people are willing to invest much higher amounts of money rather than small amounts of money. The thing is with small amounts of money is it’ll kill you because you have to work so hard to get the volume of people into a program.

Esmie Lawrence:
That’s right. Yeah.

Wendy Kier:
Yeah. So for me, I just wanted to sell my program and I thought I could sell it cheaply to as many people as possible. That was my thinking behind it. But now, I am very anti, if I’m honest, course creation because it’s a hard sell. It bombs people out. People don’t get the results, they don’t do the work, can’t upsell into something else. So all of this talk around creating courses is only going to work if you are an established business.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
It’s only going to work if you are established, if you have a network because otherwise you’re going to be poor.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
You’re going to stay poor.

Esmie Lawrence:
We don’t want to stay poor.

Wendy Kier:

Esmie Lawrence:
So why do women struggle with charging a premium price in business?

Wendy Kier:
I think a lot of it is to do with how they… So a lot of women are connectors, nurturers. They like to give. Because of that nature of giving, when it comes sometimes to talking about money, it feels unnatural. It feels uncomfortable. So it’s really just about moving into that space, especially in business because you have to be able to talk about money openly in business. Otherwise, you’ve got no business.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right, right.

Wendy Kier:
It’s about re-establishing some boundaries around new beliefs around money and how you can bring money into the business. I think it comes from helping, connecting, nurturing, basically sacrificing in a lot of cases, you’ll own wealth and abundance to help other people, to put other people first. You can’t do that in business. You can’t go around rescuing everybody because you’ll lose, because you’ll be just giving your whole self and not actually what…

Wendy Kier:
Business is a relationship. It has to be two people. It’s a relationship between the two of you. It’s not just one of the party just taking, taking and taking.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
So it is about boundaries. It’s about stepping back, creating boundaries, understanding pricing, really moving into a space of appreciation of money rather than from a place of giving all the time.

Esmie Lawrence:
So how do you…?

Wendy Kier:
It’s learned.

Esmie Lawrence:
It’s learned.

Wendy Kier:
You learn it. Yeah. You have to. So when I’m with my clients, I do a VIP day with them. We look at their money personality to see how money is really playing out in terms of that personality, and then we look at rebalancing as what can we do to rebalance that using different tools, different methodology. So they have basically a new money personality by the time I’ve stopped on that VIP day.

Esmie Lawrence:
What do you mean by a money personality?

Wendy Kier:
We have a money personality, basically. There are eight different characteristics. I can’t remember them off my hand, but my money personality is an accumulator, which means I’m the banker, I’m really good with money. My second one is the alchemist, which is about creating opportunities to bring in wealth. My third one is celebrity, of course.

Esmie Lawrence:
What do you mean by that? Celebrity? What does that mean?

Wendy Kier:
So celebrity means that I like to stand out. I like to be visible, which is important in business. You need to stand out, you need to be visible.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
Now, that’s the positives. There are negatives to it. There’s a positives and negatives to all of these. What generally tends to happen is when you go into a financial crisis of some time, you know something isn’t playing out, you will happily sit in your predominant archetype, its negative side. So the banker, while she’s very good at managing money, bringing money in, after money, accumulating money, on the flip side of that, she doesn’t like to let it go.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. Yeah.

Wendy Kier:
So she doesn’t like to spend big. It makes her very anxious. She likes to hold it, but she doesn’t like to spend big amounts of money. It freaks her out. So while she’s good at bringing it in, she doesn’t like to let it out. But if you’re not careful, you can play into the negative side of your predominant money personality. What you need to do is actually balance out all three. So they’re all in partnership with one another. Yeah.

Wendy Kier:
Most of my clients, actually all of my clients are either connectors and nurturers. So those two are predominantly within their money personality. Those two will have a tendency to put everybody else first before themselves. So depending on what that first personality is, it’s about looking at that and acknowledging that and thinking about, “Okay, what is it that you now need to do to play to your strengths?”

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
So when we talk about… This is how it becomes very evident to me of where women are within their businesses and why they’re not bringing in the amount of money is that they want to be bringing again is because they firstly hope negative beliefs around money like we all do. We all have it because we were conditioned to think that way, and then how they can rebalance that.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. So then how do they rebalance that? Because if you come in with a negative mindset about money, and you as a coach, how do you teach them to rebalance that and how long does it actually take to do that?

Wendy Kier:
Well, I do my VIP day. So we get together, we spend two half days together, and then we go through their money personality and then we go into an in-depth conversation with the tools that I used to take them through a journey to change it. So depending on who they are, I’ll adapt it to that personality. You know, in terms of who that person is for them to get the best results so they can get a shift basically.

Esmie Lawrence:
How much time do I need to spend with you to do that?

Wendy Kier:
It’s a VIP day. I just split it down into two. So it’s five hours-

Esmie Lawrence:
Okay. All right.

Wendy Kier:
I work with somebody through that process. Yeah.

Esmie Lawrence:
Okay. After five hours, they can see where their strengths and their weaknesses are and then they can go ahead and start making money. Right?

Wendy Kier:
Yeah. Basic. Yeah.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
Yeah. It’s just about creating a different relationship with money and really understanding that it’s just an illusion. Your beliefs will create your reality. If you change your beliefs, you then start to attract in. It’s all a bit where we were now, but you will then find the clients who are willing to invest and pay that amount of money. But here’s the thing, is that a lot of women will just focus in on the lower priced offers within a business. You can’t run a business that way. It has to come from a premium and then you do the lower priced offers. You can’t do it the other way round.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
You have to establish yourself as an expert and an authority first. Once you built your credibility, you’ve got an audience, then you can do the lower priced stuff. You’ll never survive doing lower priced stuff first.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. So tell me-

Wendy Kier:
Unless you’re a big business.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. Oh yeah, definitely. A big business can do anything.

Wendy Kier:
Yeah. It’s fine. They’ve got the team. They’ve got the staff. They’ve got the infrastructure. They’ve got the volume. We can’t do that as independent experts.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. Because a lot of business woman online are solopreneurs, right?

Wendy Kier:

Esmie Lawrence:
Okay. So Wendy, take me back to when you’re say, when you were 20, 30 years old. What were you like as a woman? Do you have a lot of confidence, you didn’t know what you wanted to do back then?

Wendy Kier:
I had no confidence. I had a real attitude. I had a real chip on my shoulder. I wouldn’t speak to people. I found it very hard to communicate. I was very defensive. I was like, “Oh, get over there, don’t even talk to me.” That was me when I was 20, a handful.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. How did you make the transition like that, transformation from back then to becoming the person you are now? Confident, kind, caring.

Wendy Kier:
I think a lot of it has to do with my partner. You know, we met 20 years ago, someone who was about 30, and I think the stability of being with him and going through a lot of acting out and living a lot of trauma with him and also having mental health input, psychiatrist, a whole lot, basically. You name it, I’ve had it. All of that.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. So you have to go get some help from some professionals.

Wendy Kier:
Oh, I had a lot of help. I had a lot of help. Yeah. I’ve had some real dark, dark moments for sure. But it’s all just got, something’s triggered something and I just… My brain just literally just switched off.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. Did you have to go back deep into those dark areas to become free?

Wendy Kier:
Sometimes I have but what I found is, is that actually all that does is just trigger acting out. So I’ll start to, if go too far back, I’ll start to act out in some way. Now, I deal with what’s in front of me, not what’s behind me. So a lot of CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy. You know, changing the way you’re thinking, reprogramming your thoughts, that type of stuff. I do a lot of journaling. I do a lot of meditation. I do a lot of… I’ve had a lot.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. So you-

Wendy Kier:
I haven’t been sectioned. That’s the only thing that hasn’t happened.

Esmie Lawrence:
Okay. So you do a lot of journaling. Do you journal every day?

Wendy Kier:
I try and journal every day.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
Yeah. It’s interesting, I find that when I’m getting a bit stressed out and I fall back into my old self, coming from that place of fear and lack, I stop journaling. Then a month later I’m like, “Why do I feel like rubbish?” So, journaling again.

Esmie Lawrence:
How do you decrease stress in your life?

Wendy Kier:
Meditate, journal. Meditation I think is a massive relief for me. I swear it makes you more intelligent, and I was thinking this morning.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
I’m much more intelligent today. I’m sure it’s the meditation.

Esmie Lawrence:
How long do you meditate for?

Wendy Kier:
Well, it can go from 10 minutes to four hours.

Esmie Lawrence:
Oh, wow.

Wendy Kier:
You know, for the last three days or so I did about four hours [inaudible 00:22:18]. I did three hours. I did a couple of hours yesterday. It really depends. It just depends on my mood. There’s no sort of like I’m doing 10 minutes a day, every day that I wouldn’t do it.

Esmie Lawrence:
Do you go in a certain spot and just sit there or do you… You’re busy doing life and meditating that way? How do you…?

Wendy Kier:
I’m in the hammock.

Esmie Lawrence:
Okay. Oh, a hammock. Bet it’s great. I can just picture you now.

Wendy Kier:
I’m in the hammock.

Esmie Lawrence:
Oh, that’s awesome.

Wendy Kier:
Yeah. Let me… Right. Hang on. I’m going to move a second. Let me show you actually, because this looks a bit boring. I’ve set this up because it’s good. I’m rolling.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
Let me show you where I am.

Esmie Lawrence:
I don’t see a drop of snow there. Right. Oh, that’s beautiful.

Wendy Kier:

Esmie Lawrence:
Wow. Nice fan. It looks all green. Wow, that’s beautiful.

Wendy Kier:
But I’ll come back in because it’s so hot.

Esmie Lawrence:
I was saying to you I don’t see a drop of snow.

Wendy Kier:
No. There’s no snow. It is absolutely baking here in Thailand.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. So hopefully you have air conditioning in the house.

Wendy Kier:
We do. That’s why [inaudible 00:23:32].

Esmie Lawrence:
Oh, that is awesome. So Wendy, go back to the younger Wendy who felt afraid. What words of wisdom would you give yourself so you can believe in yourself?

Wendy Kier:

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
I think when you deal with that amount of trauma, it’s a bit… I don’t know what that would be because you’re just in complete, complete survival. I don’t know what those words of wisdom would be. I can’t even connect to it. I’m just like not going there.

Esmie Lawrence:
Yeah. So then, is there a time in your life that you could go back and say, “Do this and this will make you feel better” or you know, whatever advice you’d give yourself maybe when you’re 20, 30, 40.

Wendy Kier:
I can only relate to it now in this present day. I do a lot of inner child work. I don’t know if you’ve heard of inner child work.

Esmie Lawrence:
No. What is that?

Wendy Kier:
Right. So inner child work is a bit woo-woo.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
But it’s used in dealing with trauma. Basically, in my mind, I go backwards into the past and I can connect with the younger version of myself. So I can connect with myself as a child. Then what I do is I speak to myself as who I am now as the adult I am in this day. So I will speak to the child in my present state. But also what I do as I take it up another level from that is I then step into the highest version of myself. You know, this is the woman that’s got no baggage, no limiting beliefs, no nothing. She’s in her purest form. I’ll then use her to talk to the next two versions of myself, so I can step back into and be more aligned with her. Woo-woo, but it works really well.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. And you do-

Wendy Kier:
You have to mother the other two basically, because she’s ultimately who I am constantly aspiring to be. Not who I am now, but that better version of myself.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. So what is it, Wendy? What are you struggling with now?

Wendy Kier:
I think mindset is an ongoing daily for me. You know, making sure that I don’t slip back into lack and fear, which is actually quite easy to do at the moment because the UK is in political turmoil. There’s a lot of negativity. A lot of people have frozen business. They’re not doing business. It’s all a bit unpredictable. So it’s quite easy with all of that going on just to slip into negative mode, it’s really bad.

Wendy Kier:
“I’m not going to make any sales. Oh my God, no one’s buying.” So it’s very easy to slip into that. But if I think that I’m going to create that. So I have to step back from that and say, “Actually, no, I’m not playing that game. Those people’s reality, it’s not mine. It’s not how I’m choosing to operate.”

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. Definitely [inaudible 00:26:49].

Wendy Kier:
I think mindset is a daily. It’s a work in process, for sure.

Esmie Lawrence:
Mindset is definitely a daily because I find that I have to always keep that positivity in front and write it down and look at it daily because it’s easy to slip into, “Oh this is not going right” or this is… Like always something that’s negative. So you have to keep reminding myself that, “No, this is where you are now and things are great and it’s just going to get better.” You know, and just have that abundance attitude because if you have a negative mindset, it’s going to keep you back. It’s going to prevent you from becoming yourself, your greater self?

Wendy Kier:
Yeah. I mean you must have some great tools in your toolkit from the sports that you did, from how you were trained.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. I do. You know what, one of the key thing is for me is action. When you-

Wendy Kier:

Esmie Lawrence:
Yeah. Just get up and do it because it’s easy to think, “Oh woe is me or this is not going right.” And instead of saying, “Okay, what’s going right” and write it down and say “this is what I’m going to do” and then go for it. And don’t expect perfection because perfection-

Wendy Kier:
Yeah. [inaudible 00:27:58].

Esmie Lawrence:
It’s a killer and it doesn’t exist.

Wendy Kier:
Or I do it.

Esmie Lawrence:
Forget it. Just do it. Even if it’s imperfect, go ahead and do it anyways because it’s a step forward. To me, it’s a success, right?

Wendy Kier:

Esmie Lawrence:
[crosstalk 00:28:11] you know, it’s really good. You have to have coaches. I think that’s a key thing because as an athlete I had coaches and that’s… Because sometimes when I was feeling down, they kind of got me back up and got me back on track.

Wendy Kier:

Esmie Lawrence:
That’s what I think people need to do. But the mindset is key. You know, having a positive mindset and don’t let your negativity bring you down. Always keep [inaudible 00:28:38] you know?

Wendy Kier:
Yeah. I think people think it’s complicated. Actually, it’s not. You just need to wake up.

Esmie Lawrence:
That’s right.

Wendy Kier:
[inaudible 00:28:44] you need to be conscious because we’re running on the subconscious most of the time. And when fear and lack takeover, I think it’s just about operating consciously. As you said, coaches, what they do is they go, “Hang on a minute?”

Esmie Lawrence:
Right, exactly. You know-

Wendy Kier:
That’s not true.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. You know, and I say step into your fear because on the other side of your fear are all your successes, right? You just have to take the leap and just do it and know that you’re going to land on your feet.

Wendy Kier:
What would you say then, because you asked me that question about what would you say to your younger self and I was a bit like, “Oh, I don’t know.” What would you say?

Esmie Lawrence:
Oh, I would say, “Esmie, everything’s going to be fine, you know? Because Esmie, you’re the person that you’re afraid of every little thing. You feel stupid. You feel ugly, you know?” And I would say, “Esmie, be positive. Everything’s going to work out fine just for you, you know?” Because when I was this little kid, I was always afraid of so many things.

Esmie Lawrence:
And even though I am an Olympian, I was confident in certain areas but lack confidence in other areas and yeah, just say, “It’s going to be fine and just even though you’re afraid, do it.” Because I’ve missed on a lot of opportunities because I was afraid. I was afraid to try and I would say, “Oh, I can’t do it and step back.” And every time I felt that I would just go back into fear and I would hide behind fear.

Wendy Kier:

Esmie Lawrence:
Fear is good. It builds a brick wall that you can hide behind. I said, “Esmie, kick down that brick wall and go through it and go for your successes.” That’s what I would say to my younger self.

Wendy Kier:
I like that. I like that. I have worked with clients in the past and sometimes I just don’t know what to do. I do everything I can to help them and try and support them and to help them break free of it with what I know, with the tools that I know to break free and to go through it. But some people just never break free. They never actually just do it. They’re so trapped in their head that it’s like, “I can’t.” They’re paralyzed by the fear.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. Definitely. And action is key. You just have to do it.

Wendy Kier:

Esmie Lawrence:
I would just take one step at a time, one step and keep moving forward and then realizing. When you look back, you’re thinking, “Hey, I’ve taken 10 steps.” So, in a progression, right? Just keep going slow and steady. Right? That’s my philosophy.

Wendy Kier:
Slow and steady. I like that.

Esmie Lawrence:
Slow and steady. Yeah, definitely. But yeah, slow and steady.

Wendy Kier:
Slow and steady. That’s good.

Esmie Lawrence:
Slow and steady.

Wendy Kier:
That’s good. I like slow and steady.

Esmie Lawrence:
Right. So Wendy, what would you like to say to our audience?

Wendy Kier:
I think it’s what has come out of this for me in terms of this conversation is it’s about being conscious. It’s about being fully responsible for the decisions you’re making rather than just going on autopilot because you have the power to change things, but you have to wake up a little bit to realize that actually you can change things, that things can be very different for you. Statistically, given my background, I should be in prison. Statistically.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
Which is sad. Shocking.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
So it just shows that if you wake up, you take responsibility for what’s going on and get some help, you can make incredible changes in your life that you never thought were possible.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
You can break free of what’s going on, whatever that is.

Esmie Lawrence:

Wendy Kier:
Business or life.

Esmie Lawrence:
That is awesome. Perfect. That’s a great way to end, Wendy. So Wendy, thank you so much for our awesome conversation today.

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