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In this episode Esmie and Mark discuss:

  • Mark’s mom saved him from a near-death experience as a child.
  • He did not know enough about business when he started his business.
  • Mark interviews his customers to develop new business.
  • How to have a happy organizational culture?
  • Avoid stress by doing work you love.
  • Keep employees happy because they determine the organizational culture of your business.

Key Takeaways:

  • Following your gut can be the right answer.
  • You can achieve more by having a mentor.
  • Do a self-assessment and sell what you are best at.
  • Study your customers. Give them what they are searching for.
  • Make up your mind about your calling and stick to it.
  • Mark Faust on Sprinting To Success Podcast
  • Mark Faust Bio: Since 1990 Mark Faust’s growth advisory firm Echelon Management has taken many companies from worst to first in turnarounds and has worked with dozens of Fortune 500s, over 50 third-generation companies and hundreds of 8 and 9-figure hi-growth companies to raise the bar, in strategy, culture and innovation initiatives.

All of us need to cast a vision of the future that’s compelling, that draws us to it, that inspires us. And so it doesn’t matter if it’s the vision for your family, vision for your business vision for your hobby, or your club or your church.” – Mark Faust

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Contact Esmie:

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Show notes by Esmie Lawrence.  Audio production by Brian Calkins Podcast Mechanic
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