In this Episode Esmie and Rachel Discuss:

  • Rachel’s journey through receiving her Ph.D. (Being an undergrad in biomedical science and dealing with rare blood abnormalities, teaching swimming and the struggle of being away from family)
  • Details about Rachel’s research on leaky vessels while attending Nottingham University.
  • Rachel did not recover well enough from pneumonia and could not swim for three years.
  • How athletes can become successful Entrepreneurs.
  • The fact that athletes need to recognize that they are more than just athletes and
  • Struggles Rachel and other athletes face after their athletic careers. (Knowing what to do after)
  • Activities Rachel participated in after retiring from swimming. (Scouting, working, reflecting on life.
  • How they both avoid unnecessary stress with exercise, avoiding distractions and using less social media.
    Key Takeaways: 
  • It is essential to take enough time to rest if you ever face an injury.
  • When you invest your life in being the best in something, it is easier for you to succeed in other things because of your personality.
  • Athletes need to be prepared for life after participating in sports.
  • Exercise is one of the most significant ways to have less stress.
  • Try turning off notifications to control where your focus goes.
  • It’s okay to put yourself first.

‘Rest is such an important part of life, whether it’s recovering from an injury, an illness or just letting your body recharged from the day.” –Rachel Boardman

Rachel’s Bio: Rachel is a former swimmer, a former research scientist and the host of the top 50 podcasts Beyond the Finish Line. She is on a mission to lift the lid on the challenges that athletes face when they retire and to help them take the steps from athlete to entrepreneur.

Contact Rachel:

Contact Esmie:

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Show notes by Esmie Lawrence.  Audio production by Brian Calkins Podcast Mechanic

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