In this episode, Esmie and Sandra discuss:

  • Type A personality as a child
  • She loves sport and tried to get on the guys football team
  • Tough time going through a divorce and losing her brother
  • She was a people pleaser and lost herself

Key takeaways:

  • When you’re going through a hard time it’s okay to ask for help
  • The importance of exercise and slowing down
  • Assigning  30 minutes, 45 minutes or 90 minutes task to her day
  • Helping people identify how to get balance back in their life and incorporate play within the work environment, and their home environment


                                        Dr. Sandra Cleveland 

Sandra D. Cleveland, PhD, MSN, RN wants you to help you build towards your goals. As CEO of Tribe Consulting and author of the upcoming Anthology, Shred: removing the layers to live your purpose”, she mentors health professionals and communities through personal and professional enhancement, and health. She also helps nurses help each other through the power of connection and play. Dr. Sandra lives in Michigan and is a wife, mom, and sports and fitness buff.  


“My other passion is fitness. It is a huge, huge passion. I believe everybody needs to find their definition of health. I really believe that and I believe that we need to find our definition of play again. We don’t know how to play anymore. We are task oriented and that’s all we tend to work … I generalize when I say that. We really do as adults especially, we tend to find the tasks that we need to do and accomplish those and we don’t know how to just play, relax and play.” -Dr. Sandra Cleveland

Contact: Sandra:



Contact Esmie:




Show notes by Esmie Lawrence

Audio production by Brian Calkins Podcast Mechanic

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