Ep 92 Mark Faust: Organizational Culture

Ep 92 Mark Faust: Organizational Culture

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/17844065/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/f3bf57/” width=”100%” height=”90″ scrolling=”no”...
Ep 91 Cher Brasok: Connect To Your Calm

Ep 91 Cher Brasok: Connect To Your Calm

In this episode, Esmie and Lisa discuss: Lessons learned from childhood days. Overcoming the struggles of adulthood. How stress affects our bodies? Good nutrition and Mindfulness. How to manage stress? Growing up in a single-parent home can teach you the value of hard...
Ep 90 Lisa Ryan: Avoid Toxic Work Environment

Ep 90 Lisa Ryan: Avoid Toxic Work Environment

In this episode, Esmie and Lisa discuss: Challenges of adulthood. Growing up without riches How to have engaged employees and avoid having a toxic work environment? Tips on staying happy when you encounter toxic people. How to treat toxic people Key Takeaways: Never...
Ep 89 Kerry Heaps: The Connector

Ep 89 Kerry Heaps: The Connector

In this episode, Esmie and Kerry discuss: How to get rid of shyness Body Language Basics Tips to entrepreneurs How important it is to do the things that you are passionate about Biggest Struggles / Challenges: Having low self-esteem and being bullied Key Takeaways:...